Applications:N - Cisco

NETBIOS_百度百科 NetBIOS,为网上基本输入输出系统(英语:Network Basic Input/Output System)的缩写,它提供了OSI模型中的会话层服务,让在不同计算机上运行的不同程序,可以在局域网中,互相连线,以及分享数据。严格来说,NetBIOS不是一种网上协议,而是应用程序接口(API)。较古老的操作系统,使用IEEE 802.2与IPX/SPX The netstat command - Networking Tutorial - SourceDaddy The netstat command. The netstat command lets you monitor just about every aspect of a Linux server's network functions. This command can generate page after page of interesting information - if you know what it all means. Problem: netbios-dgm/udp 138 138 PPTP Firebox denied 265 2009-03-31 04:59:15 Deny netbios-dgm/udp 138 138 PPTP Firebox denied 265 128 (Unhandled External Packet-00) src_user="rarmstrong@Firebox-DB" rc="101" Traffic The user is not able to connect to our Exchange server to open Outlook, although he was doing this before we had some Firewall problems.

Browse the Fortiguard Labs extensive encyclopedia of applications. Click any title to view more details of the application.

Typically UDP DNS will be for lookups, TCP is used for zone transfers. That doesn't rule out a TCP packet for a lookup based on size, but I don't know what the threshold is for that or if it's a What is the Windows SMB service? The Server Message Block (SMB) Protocol is a network file sharing protocol running on port 445. It is implemented in Microsoft Windows Server as the Microsoft SMB service. netbios-dgm (NETBIOS Datagram Service UDP: UDP NetBIOS datagrams packets are exchanged over this port, usually on Windows machines but also on any other system running Samba (SMB). These UDP NetBIOS datagrams support non-connection oriented file sharing activities. 139 (blocked) netbios-ssn (NETBIOS Session Service) TCP Jan 11, 2011 · This three-part series on AIX 7 networking focuses on the challenges of optimizing network performance. With AIX 7 being used more frequently in network deployment environments, and with common use of workload partitions to help manage resources, you should be aware of all the different applications and environments you need to optimize your network deployment. Part 1 provided a networking

Apr 13, 2020 · Port 137 (TCP) - netbios-ns - NETBIOS Name Service Port 138 (TCP) - netbios-dgm - NETBIOS Datagram Service Port 139 (TCP) - netbios-ssn - NETBIOS session service Port 445 (TCP) - microsoft-ds - if you are using Active Directory. Other ports:

Aug 17, 2005 Ports 137 & 138 on Lion - Apple Community Dec 16, 2011 Architecture -®.com UDP 138 NETBIOS-dgm NETBIOS datagram service UDP 445 Microsoft-DS Active Directory directory service required for Active Directory access and authentication UDP 1025 Blackjack DCOM, used as an RPC listener Note: The NETBIOS ports (TCP 139, UDP 137 and 138) are an alternative to port 445 which is used by SQL named pipes.